Most will agree that the people in the
organization are the most important component to sustained business results. Weighing the accuracy of this statement, it
follows that HR is your organizations most critical sector, affecting the
people in, and thus the success of, your organization at all points from hiring
to policies and programs, performance management, and succession planning. I realized that HR can also form the basis for innovation. It is well recognized that business value is
generated and regenerated through innovation and your people strategy
department (HR) can be the key channel to increasing innovation through people
in the workplace.
But to be a key driver of innovation, HR
must be innovative!
Imagine an organization with a head of HR that
focuses on measuring their department against best practices, plays it safe,
and ensures every initiative has a quantifiable ROI. Sound familiar? HR is supposed to drive and support an
innovative workforce but all too frequently caution and risk aversion is their main priority. These organizations that hold fast to
traditional approaches to HR and discourage experimentation, risk operating
machine-like enterprises, following, but incapable of rising above, industry
The mindset and culture of your HR team has
an exponential impact on the entire organization: everyone is influenced by
HR. Therefore, changing your
organization and becoming more successful and innovative begins by teasing
apart your beliefs on this role.
Who is
in a better position to campaign for and express the culture and needs of your
organization at all touch points (hiring, policies and programs, new employee
on-boarding, succession planning, performance management, etc.) than HR? Who promotes and embodies everything your
organization stands for?
HR leaders
translate your organization’s business strategies into cohesive and efficient
people strategies. They are the link
between the leaders and the business enablers – your people. Strategic HR management plays a critical role
in the organization but if your organization’s prevailing mindset is
conservative, your HR will fall prey to this strategy.
So, how do you push your HR team into a
more innovative mindset?
Ask yourself this question: How many experiments in HR policies have
you allowed in the past twelve months? How about making everyone’s salary public knowledge. Watch this video below to understand how Ricardo Semler changed his company, SEMCO in Brazil:
Companies, such as Google, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, and Apple, offer many examples of innovations in HR policies leading to large success.
Innovation is never a sure thing. In fact, it is almost always a gamble. Any venture capitalist will tell you that
while they are always looking for greater than 10 times return on their
investments, they also expect a pile of failures along the way. This contradicts an HR mainstay: ROI. Organizations with HR departments that avoid
risk-taking for fear of not justifying every new policy through a black and
white ROI stifle business growth and potential.
Perhaps it all starts in the beginning: do
you even expect HR to be innovative? If
not, ask yourself who cares about the bottom line. To increase innovation in the organization,
leaders must work together with HR towards the edification of innovative
business and people strategies.
This article was co-authored with my friend Diane Boulet, Senior Director of Corporate Development, Brother Canada.